Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lazy Sunday Drive

My mind a blur from the usual Sunday morning hang-over, I decided to take-off for a drive with no particular destination in mind. I just wanted to get a taste of the indigenous cultures and get off the beaten path. 

First stop was San Pablo de Lago. Rather than view the lake from a distance, I entered "downtown" through a muddy unpaved road. Locals were struggling to keep their homes from flooding. I strolled around in the rain in downtown San Pablo del Lago (1st photo above) feeling clearly out of place, but enjoying it. 

Next stop was Otavalo where I had been before but only to the markets. The town was charming. Check-out the head shot of the Incan General RumiƱahui juxtaposed against the backdrop of a church. I am intrigued by the culture of Otavalenos. The women proudly wear traditional clothes layered with gold jewelry. Apparently, this is the closest to the original Incan fashion - based on my quick research.

Last stop, La Cascada de Pechuga - gorgeous waterfall and some Incan ruins. (Thanks to Satya for the tip)

1 comment:

kuri said...

what a nice sunday drive...xo