Monday, November 17, 2008

Punta Centinella Beach

My first trip to the beach in Ecuador. My first national sales speech in Spanish. My longest summer. My deepest tan. My beautiful sunset over Salinas, in solitude, much on my mind, in an off-season empty hotel. Blissful days 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Military Parade

Independence Day in Cuenca.

I think the country likes to flex it's muscles every year through a showcase of it's arsenal of heavy military equipment. There were bazookas, tanks, F-15 jets, horses, female units; an amazing display! This was the best military parade I ever saw live (though it was the only one I have ever seen and may come 2nd to Kim Jong Il's spectaculars)

The Panama Hat

Speaking of hats, a little education for you. The ubiquitous Panama Hat is not Panamanian.

Ecuadorians can get casually offended when you refer to it as a Panama Hat. It was Theodore Roosevelt who made the name famous by wearing such a hat during his visit to the construction of the Panama Canal. The hats were exported from Ecuador to the rest of the world through the Panama canal. The workers were wearing them. Hence the name.

The hand woven hats can range from $5 to easily over $1000. I already own 2 and am still not satisfied with what I have. Apparently the better ones, superfinos, have more fine weaves. They can hold water and be passed through a ring and still hold shape. They are really cool!

Town of Canar

The small rarely visited town of Canar, outside of Ingapirca, is home to the original indigenous people of the region. Hats are important to the people of the highlands. The color and shape represents your village.

Below is a photo of a people gathered to buy natural herbal medicines on the street.

Another is of a mother and daughter. Notice the Pom-Poms on the hats? When the Pom Pom is in front that means she is married. If in the back, she is still single. A nice concept, but sounds too easy to just flip the pom-pom around...but then again the marriage rings are easy to remove.... 

Incan ruins of Ingapirica

Ingapirca is the most prominent site of the Incan empire's short, 100+ year rule over Ecuador.  It was in Ecuador (and northern Peru) where fierce battles were fought between Atahualpa (the last Inca ruler) and Pizarro, the Spanish conquistador.  

This site contains a scared Temple of the Sun, the god of the Incas. Nearby, is a Temple of the Moon which was the god of the Canari's who were subjugated by the Incas.

I was stunned by the engraving of an Incan face on the side of a cliff. The Mount Rushmore of the 15th century???

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Meats and Fruits

Hornado is a whole roasted pig famous in this part of the Highlands. I ate it at the food-stalls and it was really delicious. The skin is at least 1 cm thick and so crispy! I skipped the roasted guinea-pigs this time. Once was enough. But these were huge! Various fruits. So many different types including those I have never seen before.

Town of Cuenca

Cuenca is the 3rd largest city in Ecuador with approx. 400,000 inhabitants. The city is a world heritage site because of the well preserved colonial buildings and churches. Have a look at some of the photos. Check out the dudes playing volleyball in the middle of town!